This listing '12x40 Recreational/Tiny Home' has expired. While you can still view the listing, you are not able to contact the seller through the Tiny House Marketplace.

12x40 Recreational/Tiny Home

0 beds - 0 baths
For Sale
Built in 2020
400 sq ft
No Land

This was a building I started working on as a recreational space themed like a fantasy tavern. The walls and ceiling are insulated as well as drywall and flooring throughout. There is currently no plumbing but there is plenty of space for it. Really love what I’ve built but I’m making a cross country move and it won’t work on the new property. Whether your looking for a tiny home project with the bells and you add the whistles or you’re looking for that unique spot to hang out, this is the place for you! (Pictured furniture not included)

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