Self-built tiny house we lived in for over 3 years. We enjoyed the freedom and flexibility it gave us. We built it with upgraded features and creative space solutions. Due to changes in our life, we no longer live in the tiny house.
Please read the entire posting before contacting the seller.
Built in 2015 on an 18’ Iron Eagle PAD trailer with upgraded 7K axles. The house is 8’6” wide, 13’ 3” tall. 136 square feet downstairs, 64 square feet in the loft. Home weighs approx 9,500lb.
Visit: Moore Tiny House on Facebook for photos
The following features are included:
Reinforced framing with hurricane straps
On demand hot water heater
Apartment Size Fridge
Microwave Convection Oven
GREE Mini Split AC/Heater with remote
LED lights throughout
Ceiling fan/Light with remote
Dimmable 4 way switch for recessed loft lights
Blackout cordless cellular blinds throughout
Premium kitchen faucet with pullout spray nozzle
Large pantry with 6 full slide out drawers
Built-in Safe
Premium flooring
Spray foam insulation (walls and ceiling)
Nature’s head toilet
Off-grid wiring and options installed
4 burner propane stove
Built ins include bench with storage chest and two bookcases
11 windows, with screens, all with tempered glass (Integrity by Marvin)
Large bathroom cabinet
Loft stairs with built in storage
8’ kitchen counter
Pantry with six full-slide drawers
Plumbed for washer
We were in the process of remodeling the shower when we made the decision to move, we reduced the price accordingly. The shower space is plumbed and is ready for install.
This is how it works:
In order to schedule a viewing you will be asked to provide proof of funds for the purchase price BEFORE a tour is given.
After the purchase agreement has been signed, your financial institution will contact our bank to arrange for a wire transfer.
After the wire transfer has been confirmed by our bank, the title will be signed and you will take possession immediately.
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