This listing '2002 7.3L E350 powerstroke full conversion' has expired. While you can still view the listing, you are not able to contact the seller through the Tiny House Marketplace.

2002 7.3L E350 powerstroke full conversion

+6 photos
+5 photos
Converted Vehicle
0 beds - 0 baths
For Sale
Built in 2018
150 sq ft
No Land

2002 Ford E350 with 7.3L Powerstroke Great gas mileage for size, 17mpg Fully live-able off the grid, with shore power option Full kitchen: Large fridge and freezer, runs on propane or 110 4 burner stove and oven Sink with 12v water pump Plenty of extra counter space HEAT AND AIR CONDITIONING 5kw diesel heater (lived in Tahoe all winter, heater on low keeps it toasty even if it’s blizzarding outside.) 12v super efficient AC (battery can run for 30 hours) 200AH battery bank + 1000watt power converter Battery charges with alternator. About 3 hours of driving can bring the battery from dead to a full charge. 4 110 outlets + 4 12V usb plugs 16 gallon fresh water and holding tanks Bed is a twin long Couch folds down to serve as guest bed. Tons of room for storage. Vehicle: 230,000 miles Fresh oil change Tires at about 80% life Engine is bulletproof, I have owned and driven it everywhere for 2 years with no issues. I do not want to let this thing go but I broke my leg and haven’t been able to work so I need the money. Feel free to send me any questions you have

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