Built in 2017 by Tiny Cozy Homes in Georgetown, this tiny home has been designed with the tech owner in mind, and is spacious enough for pets, children, and tall folks alike. The mid loft is accessible via stairs and tall enough to let a 5'8" person stand, while the queen sized bedroom that sits on the floor, (nicknamed the bungalow) is spacious enough to sit up and have plenty of headroom. The long loft features built in shelves, and folding desks. The taller loft is large enough for a full bed and easily accessible via built in ladder. The floor plan boasts plenty of cubbies for the shoe enthusiast, or anyone seeking extra storage in general.The bathroom, accessible via sliding door, utilizes a Nature's Head composting toilet and a 4ft soaking tub.
Full sized refrigerator with freezer
4 ft soaking tub with shower
Splendide Washer / Dryer combo unit
Large sink
Nature's Head composting toilet
Gas water heater
Pull down deck
Mini split AC
Grey water only, tankless
Cedar Siding, cedar inside paneling
2-3 bedroom depending on how space is utilized
~300sq ft
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