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40-Foot Skoolie Fully-Loaded/Move-in Ready!

+6 photos
+5 photos
Converted Vehicle
0 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 0
250 sq ft
No Land

I am selling my 1978 International Loadstar 1700, with a 404 gas engine and 93,000 miles, in Fayetteville, AR. It is fully converted, and has parquet flooring, wooden, open-style cabinets and countertop, a built-in kitchen table, with bench seating, and 2 closets, 2 bedframes, with an insert, which can connect the two to make a larger than king-sized bed, plus a wooden wall and door, closing the living quarters off from the cab. I converted 12 out of 17 of the windows in the living quarters to open from down to up, like house windows, and installed screens. There is a lot of storage under the beds, and two large stowage compartments on the outside of the bus. It also has a large cargo rack on the back. It has a full-sized bathtub with a shower, an RV toilet (no holding tanks, but has a sewer/septic hookup), a 50 gallon water heater (I have not been able to get the water heater to work, but also included is a small on-demand water heater, which could be installed to replace the large tank, and free up more storage space under the stove.) It has a 4-burner, propane stove, for which I have 2, 5-gallon propane tanks. There is a 2-bay, full-sized kitchen sink, and a propane space heater. This bus has everything I own in it, which includes an Excalibur food dehydrator, an older Champion Juicer, a Ninja Blender, with all the attachments, a brand new 1-cubic-foot wood-burning stove, a M12 Milwaukee 3/8" drill/driver, 1 nice single mattress, 1 queen-sized memory foam mattress, with futon cover, miscellaneous hoses, power cords, bins, bedding, towels, dishes, pots and pans, and foodstuffs, and a Kenmore brand sewing machine. All of these appliances work, and are in good shape. The bus has had a lot of work done to it, and many new parts installed. It runs decently, but needs 4 new tires in order to be in top condition. I am asking $6,000 or best offer.

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