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Artsy and Beautiful Tiny Home

Tiny House on a Trailer
0 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 2016
144 sq ft
No Land

Hello, my name is Jonah Smith and I'm with Outlier Tiny Homes. Outlier Tiny Homes is out of Denver, CO and we specialize in custom artistic tiny homes and designs. All of our work is professionally done with the insight and direction of our owner Stephen Smith, who has been in home building for over twenty plus years and tiny homes for well over five years now. This model of tiny home is an 18x8 (144sqft) on a trailer made. The construction is two by six with rox soll installation, oppose to two by four. The Composting toilet, instant hot water heater that has endless hot water, mini split system with a/c and heat, standing seen roof, queen bed that rolls out, and floors that are hardwood 3/4 inch thick are some features. Also The tiny home has a very artsy feel to it and we accomplished that by putting a custom mosaic of National Geographic magazines in the shower, a custom Vangough painting outside that glows up with LED lights at night, and the artistic light fixtures around the tiny home with gas pipes/ Edison bulbs. Give me a call or shoot me a text at 303-946-5924 or email at and I will answer any further questions. The asking price is $63,000.00 but will take offers that are reasonable. All and all this could be yours in no time and you'll have something to entertain with, live in, and enjoy which is what we strive for at Outlier Tiny Homes.

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