This listing 'gypsy moon caravan' has expired. While you can still view the listing, you are not able to contact the seller through the Tiny House Marketplace.

gypsy moon caravan

Tiny House on a Trailer
1 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 2020
70 sq ft
No Land

Nomadic adventures, or college dorm. Handcrafted wood caravan, insulated with wool or denim, no toxic chemicals. 2 x 4 construction assembled with screws,no staples or nails ,all the wood is sealed in Linseed oil. Single bed pulls out to double, counters, benchs windows are Handcrafted out of redwood ,cedar ,and pine. Cooktop and oven can go out side. Propane refrigerator ,on demand hot water heater, shower composting toilet, covered back porch,redwood deck. Call John 5307205255or Solar system for offgrid,and it plugs into 110v . About 2200 pounds

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Covered Porch