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Kentucky Home

+6 photos
+5 photos
Tiny House on a Foundation
0 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 2017
320 sq ft
No Land

2017 built SIZE: 24X14 Including the porch Located in clarkson/millerstown, Kentucky It will need to be moved and relocated. Thank you for looking! STRUCTURE: Smoke free and pet free. Built by local, originally as a work shop for his wife than later added the bathroom. This is NOT a shed converted building. Its built better than these sheds you see for sale on the side of the road. Full roof trusses, house wrapped, Anderson windows. ELECTRICAL: This home is 110v. Breaker box has 6 20amp breakers. Also has a 20amp plug in the bathroom for washer/dryer hookup. WATER: Tankless hot water heater on the wall inside bathroom. The way the previous owner plumb it, the shower is the only item that has hot water going to it. The plumbing is on the outside of the walls as seen in the pictures so someone can easily add hot water pipes to where they want and tie against the wall as well. Drainage/sewer all dumps straight out the back ready for septic hook up. 4/10/19 UPDATES: new vinyl flooring installed in bathroom and kitchen. Interior fully trimmed out. Kitchen added to the house. The cabinets are refurbished/remodeled which includes a lazy Susan in the corner. Barn door built and installed. Paneling added to inside bathroom walls to cover studs. Wall shelf built for bathroom for storage. Bathroom vanity added along with the vanity light. Porch railing added.

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