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Le Petite Chateau

+4 photos
+3 photos
Tiny House on a Trailer
0 beds - 0 baths
For Sale
Built in 2016
128 sq ft
No Land

8’x16’ - Le Petite Chateau has two storage/sleep lofts. Sleeps four with lofts and dbl futon. Thoroughly insulated under hardwood floor, above T&G pine ceiling and in wall framing with extra 1” rigid insulation behind exterior siding. Dbl pane operable windows on both levels, built-in mini fridge, dbl hot plate, shelf for oven/microwave, on demand hot water heater, space heater, upper and lower cabinets, countertop, closet space and shelves, electrical outlets throughout interior and two outdoor. Powered up with extension cord from any standard 120v outlets. Ceiling lighting, porch light, tail lights all good. No rust on metal frame, tires are very good, 2” towing ball, reinforced extended frame for wider dimension. Included front deck, exterior shower stall and system with on-demand hot water and a dry compost toilet with tent. Has been towed 50 miles once with no problem. Built in 2016 by carpenter/owner. Great for renting out and/or Airbnb.

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