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Modern Tiny House in the Woods

Tiny House Shell on a Trailer
2 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 2015
355 sq ft
No Land

This is a Tiny House on wheels built in 2015. It is the Castle Peak 26' model built in 2015 by Tiny Mountain Homes. It was custom ordered with lots of options including: King Size Loft Queen Size Loft Large Shower Mid size refrigerator Instant hot in-line propane water heater Full Size Sink Two Closets 1 built in drawer Lots of cabinet space Lots of Windows Tall Ceilings (10'8") For a link on this model: You can buy this and tow it to your destination. Or you can work with the land owner to use it on its current site. The current site offers: 20 Acres (Land owner maintains and landscapes) On site Laundry On site Storage Unit Water/Garbage/Electricity Internet Available Access to Lake Marcel I have lived in this house since Feb 2018 and love it. However my family is growing in size and am upgrading to a larger house.

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Sleeping Loft