This listing 'NOAH certified 26' tiny house' has expired. While you can still view the listing, you are not able to contact the seller through the Tiny House Marketplace.

NOAH certified 26' tiny house

+6 photos
+5 photos
Tiny House on a Trailer
2 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 2024
256 sq ft
No Land

New NOAH certified tiny house! 26 x 8 with loft, full bathroom, kitchen. - steel trailer with tandem 7000# axles custom made for tiny home construction - wood frame construction with R15 rock wool insulation in floor and walls, R23 rock wool in ceiling - Hardi-Board siding - 26 gauge metal roof - 9000 BTU mini split HVAC - Rinnai tankless water heater, propane - 120V/50A sub panel with RV connection - RV water and sanitary connection - Vinyl windows with metal flashing at top - Nickel gap interior wall finish - Air exchanger as well as bathroom exhaust - Premium vinyl floor planks - Butcher block countertop - Summit propane stove - LED lights - Refrigerator included This NOAH certified tiny could be used for residence, rental, office, studio, whatever.

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Sleeping Loft