This listing 'Off-Grid Tiny House School Bus Conversion Skoolie' has expired. While you can still view the listing, you are not able to contact the seller through the Tiny House Marketplace.

Off-Grid Tiny House School Bus Conversion Skoolie

+6 photos
+5 photos
Converted Vehicle
3 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 2016
280 sq ft
No Land

This is a custom 40-foot 1997 Blue Bird School Bus Conversion Skoolie with a 20-inch roof-raise to give plenty of spacious headroom. This is a tiny house on wheels that was built to sleep and drive a family of 5 with a full sized bed and 3 bunk beds. Electricity runs on 800 watts of solar panels, 4 6-volt batteries, and a 2000 watt power inverter. Overhead LED lights. Has a 100 Gallon fresh water tank, 100 gallon grey water tank, an instant hot water heater, and a Natures Head Composting Toilet. Heated by a cubic mini wood stove. The Beautiful Ikea based kitchen utilizes an apartment sized stove/oven, a full-size sink, and power saving converted deep-freezer (to run at refrigerator temperatures). There is tons of storage throughout the bus. Drives with a Cummins diesel engine and Allision transmission.

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Wood Stove