Greetings Tiny House community! We have finished our HUGE tiny project! AND IT IS FOR SALE! We built this house using Dan's amazing "Tiny Living" plans on a 16' Tiny Home Builders Trailer. The goal was to gain learning experience, have fun building an awesome, high quality project and sell it to payoff the initial investment and be able build our own one debt free!
Now, more about the house:
-This house has standard plumbing and electrical: It plugs into a 110V 30amp RV type outlet; requires freshwater supply and septic [or sewer connection] there is no holding tank for blackwater; blackwater and grey water exit the same outlet.
-Hot water is provided through a 110V, 7-gallon BOSCH electric hot water heater.
-It has a 110V Pioneer mini split Air Conditioner and Heat Pump combo.
-All lighting is LED.
-There is 4" of insulation in the floor and 3" in all the walls and roof; also the windows are two pane gas filled, so it is extremely energy efficient.
-Cooking can be done on the 110V countertop cooktop or in the included microwave oven.
-There is a full sized one piece shower in the bathroom and an exhaust vent.
-Storage space is provided in the cabinets under the countertop, in the closet and in the loft above the front door. The closet has booth shelving and a hanger rod.
-The bathroom door is a pocket door and the left closet door is a bifold so they do not intrude on kitchen or bathroom space.
-There is 109 square feet on the main floor and 51 square feet in the sleeping loft.
-It weighs in just under 7,500 lbs.
The design is perfect! (Much thanks to Dan)
If you are interested in buying, you can contact me with questions at 240-317-9887.
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