Custom built tiny house on wheels, built by . I've lived in it since March 2015. I've loved it and love the house, but I'm asking for $27,500 which is less than that what I paid for the house because my partner owns a home and we are ready to live in it full time. The house is on a 20 ft long trailer, and the house is 8 feet wide. You can get most of the technical details on construction directly from the Tiny Happy Homes website. The house was built to their normal standards. Custom details I included are:
Sheep wool insulation - environmentally friendly and works as well as anything else, no complaints!
Blue-stained beetle kill pine - also environmentally friendly, and a beautiful wood.
Mexican ceramic tile sink and light fixtures -
The floorplan is a blend of their Mack and Mendy. I can send you a floorplan in a pdf file.
Full features:
Metal Roof | Cork Flooring | Natural Wood Interior | Queen Size Loft with Ladder | 4.5 cu. ft. Refrigerator | Portable Electric 2 Burner Stove | Portable Infrared Heater | 32″x32″ Shower Stall | Composting Toilet
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