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Silver Star Camper Shell

Tiny House Shell on a Trailer
0 beds - 0 baths
For Sale
Built in 2022
5 sq ft
No Land

We are pleased to quote you the Weeroll Silver Star model, which is a 78” x 14’ x 6’ 3” all Aluminum Trailer. We utilize an interlocking aluminum floor channel with mounted aluminum tubing wrapped inside and out with aluminum skin. The roof is a single piece, seamless aluminum sheet overhanging the trailers upper perimeter secured with a proprietary extruded aluminum roof cap. The trailer features dual 3500# Torflex Axles, with 15” aluminum wheels and radial tires. Access to the trailer interior is accomplished through a secure, lockable curbside door as well as a split 60/40 access door configuration on the rear of the trailer. Ventilation is achieved through a series of windows located on the front and sides of the trailer. A series of lights, markers, reflective tape, tow vehicle connection plug, braking and safety provisions provide required state and federal on highway compliance and ensure peace of mind during transport.

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