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Tennessee Tiny House

+6 photos
+5 photos
Tiny House on a Trailer
1 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 2016
220 sq ft
No Land

Built on a custom made deckover flatbed, no cheap car hauler. Kohler toilet and shower, sull size propane stove and stainless extra deep sink. Fridge, Tv, and microwave included. Loft sleeping and storage as well as futon/bunk bed in living area. Tongue and groove mahogany walls and trim,, oak kitchen cabinet and custom kitchen storage unit, acacia butcher block countertop and cantilever table, 30 year roof, steel security front door, sliding cedar bathroom door. Air conditioning, propane heat with electric backup. On-Demand endless water heater for a nice 3 day long shower. Built to stay on the trailer or be placed on the ground with no changes needed (other than shortening deck legs). Priced to move. More pictures or tours available upon request, customization requests will be considered but this house is turn key right now!

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