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The Molly

Tiny House on a Trailer
2 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 2017
340 sq ft
No Land

**Click over to our website for more pictures** 'The Molly is designed for 21st century sustainable living. This smart floor plan features modern open living spaces including a spacious bath, kitchen, living and sleeping area as well as a roof deck. Live large with twelve foot ceilings, abundant windows, and a large attic providing plenty of efficient storage. Details include: · 32” by 102” trailer with 8’ above gooseneck hitch rated at 21k GVW. Cross members on 16” centers 3in channel. Three 7k drop axles, 2 brakes, 2 12k drop log jacks at front, LED sealed beam tail lights. Custom order from Retco Trailers · 2x4 walls and 2x6 ceiling with Roxul insulation (3.75” and 5.75” respectively) in both · 24kk BTU Mr Cool Mini split with heat pump. 240volt system · 8’ 1X6 decked and sealed roof over hitch with a 30yr EPDM membrane underlayment · 21’ shingled asymmetrical A-frame roof over middle portion of house with Owens Corning Shingles · 26 gauge 11’ Dutch energy efficient AP Panel Metal roof over loft and kitchen · Rinnai V65EP tankless propane hot water heater rated at 6.6GPM · House is ran with standard ¾ Pex tubing with ½ Pex to fixture · Propane regulator rated at 400k BTU/hr and has an 8’ hose with connection to standard propane tanks. ½” black pipe ran to hot water heater, gas clothes dryer outlet, and full-sized convection cooking oven inside · Standard PVC plumbing with a drain outlet of 4” to sewer · Windows are Jeld-Wen Vinyl Double Pane Low-E · 1x8 pine shiplap throughout inside painted satin white · Smartside 76 siding and trim on outside painted with Sherwin Williams exterior Emerald acrylic latex paint · Window Trim is 1x4 treated wood stained and sealed · Sealed cedar shake on the back of house · Electric wired with 12/2 Romex and 200amp outdoor rated electric box with circuits altog

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