This listing 'Tiny Cottage/Cabin' has expired. While you can still view the listing, you are not able to contact the seller through the Tiny House Marketplace.

Tiny Cottage/Cabin

Tiny House Shell on a Foundation
0 beds - 0 baths
For Sale
Built in 2018
112 sq ft
No Land

Looking to go even tinier? Looking for a small cottage or cabin. This 112sqf (not including loft) cottage/cabin is perfect for a hunting cottage, "glamping" on your property, or can serve as the perfect "she shed" or "man cave." The choice is yours. The 112sqf cottage/cabin is dried in and unfinished on the inside and ready for you to put your personal stamp of approval on it. Finish it how you want. It boast of high ceilings and American made construction. Two Cottages Available.

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