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Tiny House/Cabin

+6 photos
+5 photos
1 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 2017
400 sq ft
No Land

Tiny House / Cabin 14x42 Life Tite Brand buildings (2) joined to make a tiny house 14x28 with bedroom 14x14. Full bathroom with tub, working kitchen with refrigerator, microwave and apartment stove, laundry room and walk in closet. All plumbing and electric are fully functional and easily accessible. Easily cooled by two window units and easily heated with window units and propane. Well insulated. This finished tiny home has a lot of potential to be a great get away/hunting cabin, a starter home or way to beat the housing market. Ready to live in! Must Be Moved. $20,000 Or Best Offer.

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