This listing 'Tiny House (Cargo Trailer Conversion)' has expired. While you can still view the listing, you are not able to contact the seller through the Tiny House Marketplace.

Tiny House (Cargo Trailer Conversion)

+3 photos
+2 photos
Tiny House on a Trailer
0 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 2019
210 sq ft
No Land

26ft long, 8-foot wide, and 7.6-foot tall (interior floor to ceiling after insulation) cargo trailer. Fully contained tiny house with everything we need to live; including a washer/dryer, bathroom/shower, WiFi antenna, and power management. It has 1-inch spray foam (between the steel trailer ribs) on the ceiling and walls and 2-inch pink foam board glued/screwed to the bottom of the floor. Axels have been "flipped" to improve ground clearance. The rear tailgate folds down for loading toys in the 8x7 foot "garage" that has e-track on the walls and floor. Estimated weight around 14k and is normally pulled by a 2015 Chevy 2500 (gas). It does not have any windows. No land for sale, cargo trailer must be moved.

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