This listing 'Tiny house grooming Salon ' has expired. While you can still view the listing, you are not able to contact the seller through the Tiny House Marketplace.

Tiny house grooming Salon

+6 photos
+5 photos
Tiny House on a Foundation
0 beds - 0 baths
For Sale
Built in 2015
200 sq ft
No Land

My tiny house salon is for sale. Here are the details and if you’re interested let me know. 10x20, hurricane roof and walls, Professional installed wood grain lament flooring, 40 gallon hot water heater, GE Dehumidifier,AC unit, storage cabinet, furniture pieces for display or retail, playpen crate, fiberglass top performance tub with door and step, hanvey wall mount force dryer, smoke detector, window treatments, push button light blocking window shades, two black Grooming carts with wheels, wire shelving, lighting, plumbing and electric ready, insulated, shampoo racks. Will have to be transported from zip code 33541 and can stay where it is with no rush til ready to be moved. Could also be converted for a hair dresser, nail tech, massage therapist or into a small living space. Personal grooming equipment and table not included. $17,000 cash, cashiers check, wire transfer or credit card with 2.4% fee.

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