This listing 'Tiny House in Raleigh NC' has expired. While you can still view the listing, you are not able to contact the seller through the Tiny House Marketplace.

Tiny House in Raleigh NC

+6 photos
+5 photos
Tiny House on a Trailer
1 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 2015
230 sq ft
No Land

Tiny features: 7x7 loft with light, stand-in shower, flushing toilet, RV campsite ready, 10k LB rated axels, 1250 watt Goal Zero solar generator, 2x 100 watt Renogy solar panels, ceiling fan/light, bathroom fan/light, overhead kitchen lights, loft stairs with storage, lots of windows, lots of space for appliance upgrades.

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Sleeping Loft