This listing 'Tiny House - Portland, OR' has expired. While you can still view the listing, you are not able to contact the seller through the Tiny House Marketplace.

Tiny House - Portland, OR

Tiny House on a Foundation
1 beds - 0 baths
For Sale
Built in 2018
130 sq ft
No Land

10' wide, 13' long, 8' high. Built from a kit last summer. Shingled, varnished, weather sealed. Used a few times as a guest house for sleeping but barely used otherwise. Its built on a plywood platform in my backyard, so it would have to be lifted onto a trailer. I've inquried about a service that can lift the house onto a trailer, and deliver wherever you want. Willing to discuss splitting costs of a crane to get on a trailer for movement to your location. No built ins on the inside, no bathrooms, or amenities, just a very nice smelling shell of a tiny house to customize into whatever your heart desires. I am moving to the other side of town, and won't have space/need for the tiny house. I will be moving by August 1. Will need to sell before then. Please inquire. Motivated Seller.

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