This listing 'Vermont Vacation Home Hunting Camp' has expired. While you can still view the listing, you are not able to contact the seller through the Tiny House Marketplace.

Vermont Vacation Home Hunting Camp

+6 photos
+5 photos
0 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 2013
496 sq ft
4.60 acres

Vermont house and land for sale. 4.5 acres on a hillside, 496 square feet plus a sleeping loft and a deck. This is a camp built 6 years ago. Plenty of windows on a wooded lot.built on piers. It has a hand pump in the kitchen for water, composting toilet. Off the back overlooking woods is a small deck. The upper yard is small adjacent to the acreage 4.6 acres) which is on a steep slope. Once down the slope it levels out to a beautiful area below on the Broadbrook which is about 25 feet across. The house is on a dirt road a mile and a half in from a paved main road. Quiet peaceful spot. Best used as a retreat or get away as to use year round you’d want septic and well. $39,999

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Sleeping Loft