There is a fact finding mission that everyone goes through when they are starting out looking to go tiny. During this search, most people’s idea of what size they want their house to be changes a couple of times. There are definitely some pros and cons to the different sizes that are out there. Here are some of items to look over when considering your tiny house size.
I know that this seems like a no brainer, but if you have two kids, they are going to need their own sleeping space. Two bedroom tiny houses are becoming more and more popular, and as I called out to in my article last week. But this also holds true in the other direction. My wife and I originally thought we wanted a 24”trailer with an additional 8’ building space over the fifth wheel. After walking around in a 28 foot tiny house, we decided that not only did we not need our idea, but the 28’ even seemed too big. So get out there and experience a tiny house in person. Read More: How to Find Tiny Houses Near Me
You will want to make sure the home is big enough for your stuff. This can be hard since your ideas of what you need will surely change after your move. We’ve witnessed it over and over where people are concerned they are going to have enough room and then end up not needing it. The things they thought they just couldn’t live without end up not being as important. But the desire for some things likely aren’t going to change. For instance, you’re not likely to decide that you don’t want a washer and dryer after the move. Or that you wished you had a smaller couch. So, make a list of some of the larger items you’ll want and add them to a drawing at scale. This can really help in deciding the length of your house.
Dan and I recently took a 24’ tiny house shell out to Tulsa, Oklahoma. That's the finished product there. Turned out pretty good, huh? Well let me tell you a thing or two about driving a 24’ tiny house. There are definitely things you are going to have to think about and wind is one of them. Also, you are going to get worse gas mileage, but you would have that with any larger vehicle. And clearance is the the biggest one. Sure you want to build to the highest level you can, but you don’t realize how tall 13’6” is without seeing it first. Remember the longer the house, obviously, the more it weighs. And that means the bigger the tow vehicle that you need. Sure, I know, you likely aren't planning on moving it often, but 20 years from now (and yes, your home will last you even longer if you build it right) when your children are in charge of the house and want to take it across the country, you want them to be able to. Read More: Watch Your Roof! Respecting Tiny House Height
As the tiny house movement continues to grow there are more and more people turning over their house. Whether they are just interested in building a new house to make what they have better or they are planning to build for others, think about what would resale. The most popular models are the 20’ and the 24’ sizes. They are easier to build, tow and sell and they don’t intimidate either way. Trying to sell a 12’ is tough, but for the right person, it is exactly what they want. We sold one the other day to a young lady who wants to have it for college. It is her permanent dorm room. But even in the last year alone, we have seen MANY more 28' and 32' popping up which means down the road, their should still be a draw for them.
Which brings us to the next point. Are you really ready to go tiny? If you need to have a 32’ long with an 8’ gooseneck at 8.5’ wide and 13.5’ tall because those are the maximum dimensions you can have, you may not be ready to go tiny. There are plenty of ways to simplify your life without having to buy or build a tiny house. So seriously give it a real thought before you pull the trigger to do so. Read More: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Going Tiny and 5 Signs You Aren't Ready to go Tiny Bigger isn’t always better for everyone and neither is going really, really tiny. Knowing what your goals are, truly going over what stuff you need to take with you, and doing a headcount of the kids and pets are just some of the things you need to do before building or buying your tiny house. What tiny house size do you want or have? What considerations went into your choice? Let me know in the comments below.
Let’s face it. Going tiny is no small endeavor. We all desire or even resolve to get organized, downsize our personal belongings, and simplify our lives. But actually going through with the major change that is going tiny is tough to attempt. Don’t worry, there are warning signs to help you see if this is the right time in your life to tackle this massive undertaking. Here are five signs that you are not ready to go tiny.
Let’s be honest here: we are all human and we all make mistakes. And knowing that, you can prepare yourself for some of them, and there are others that you are just going to have to learn as you go. But in the interest of hoping we can all share knowledge and prevent a few of the biggest mistakes from happening, here are the five biggest tiny house mistakes that you will encounter while building.
Choosing from the many Tiny House Builders can be a daunting process. But with a little know how and a lot of research, you can find someone that you will be able to trust and who will get the job done properly. Here are five questions to ask yourself to help you choose the right tiny house builder.
While there is no official definition of a tiny house, it is generally thought of as a small house, typically sized under 600 square feet. While they can be built on foundations, most tiny homes are built on trailers. This style of tiny house is often referred to as a THOW (tiny house on wheels).
People contact us all the time with questions about going tiny and the tiny house lifestyle. We wanted to share the most common questions so that people could get a feel for what others out there are thinking most about when it comes to going tiny. So, without further ado, here are the top ten common tiny house questions and their answers.